As millions of people begin the annual tradition of tackling a myriad of new resolutions (then – usually – promptly breaking them), those who secretly feel like change isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be ought to consider “Tron Voyage” their soundtrack for January. Produced by Analog Burners (aka Jason McGuinness), with Jim Aguzzi (on drums, percussion, Wurlitzer), Val Mazzone (on space guitar), and Mensa-El (“everything else”), this new Art Blakey-meets-Sun Ra album is available now for download via
Bandcamp.As Jason explains, Tron Voyage focuses on an extraterrestrial robot fed up with its life; after quitting work to enjoy peace on greener planets, things just get hectic again. Ultimately, this leads to a “realization that life is life, wherever you go. You can't escape it.” For anyone determined to make significant changes, it’s a story worth listening to – and Tron Voyage tells it fairly well.
The beatnik-like “Unhappy Worker – Work Sucks” feels like the musical mindset of restless 9-to-5’ers everywhere, counting down the seconds until work is over and it’s time to head to the closest dive bar. “Tourist – Where to Go” has a similar tripped-out yet disillusioned vibe. If Lost in Translation’s main character were Super Fly vs. Bob Harris, this track might follow him down Tokyo’s unfamiliar streets.
The album draws its influences from drum-driven jazz musicians, including Art Blakey and Max Roach, as well as other “story” albums from DJ Frane (Frane's “Fantastic Voyage”), Mike Ladd and Deltron 3030. Sweeping, experimental joints like the 12- minute “Blown Circuits Suite” and the ambient, jazzy hip-hop “Downtime – the Life” are among Tron Voyage’s standout tracks. Consider this coffeehouse music for the 22nd century.
We’ll be on the lookout for the forthcoming promo video to post here soon., but in the meantime, check out Unhappy Worker-Work Sucks: